Plastic Cosmetic Surgery

Breast Reduction

Enlarged Breast are not just cosmetically unpleasant but at times cause neck pain, shoulder pain and back pain. With correct approach, we can make appropriate breast as per your body structure. Enlarged female breasts are reduced via many approaches, depending on the size and volume of breast.
Options are -

Liposuction- Fatty breast with tight overlying skin is good to reduced by liposuction. Unmarried girls usually favour this technique. Almost no visible scars are seen after this technique.

Vertical pattern breast reduction- This technique is useful for mild and moderate enlarged breast. A straight scar (of variable length) is present at the bottom of the breast.

Wise pattern breast reduction- This technique is useful for moderate to large breasts. The scar is T shaped at the bottom of the breast.

Postoperatively, the patient can be discharged after 24 to 48 hours. She advised to follow up for week. She has to wear a sport’s pressure brassier for atleast 6 months. She can resume gym and heavy working after 4-6 weeks.